November 19, 2014

"Why the change"?

So, many of my clients have been calling on me in the past few months to ask me about the yearly mini sessions that I had offered in the past and were wondering when I was going to do them again.
Here is the skinny on the change to my pricing and sessions and why. 
I enjoy photography and I love to seeing the smile on peoples faces when they receive their photos.  I love the feedback from Facebook fans.  At one point I had enough time in my schedule to devote countless hours to mini session and smaller shoots just for the fun of it, but the reality is that things have changed for me in my "big boy job" and time is now limited.  I am not able to run out and do a mini session like I use to because I have to make sure that my kids know who I am, now and again. 
So what has changed exactly?  I use to limit the number of people in a photo shoot to just immediate family...that is generally not the case anymore.  My shoots last anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half.  The cost is $350.00 and you still get full copyright release.  Keep in mind that I know of photographers that will NOT sell their copyright release and you have to purchase all prints from them, that's not the case with me.  You get the copyright release so you can print all you own stuff wherever you want.  Now if $350 seems steep to you, then think about inviting other friends and family to the shoot and have them split the session with you.  That will mean that there will be less photos of just your family but the price will be cheaper for everyone.
In the end, I need to have the time spent away from my family make financial sense and this is what I think will give people what they want as well as being able to still be a husband and dad to my wife and little girls.
You (my photo-fan-base) have been very supportive of my company and myself and it is very evident in the kind comments that you share.  Thank you for that. 
God bless you all and see you from the other side of the lens.
Alex Aleman.

It's photos like this that make my clients happy and why you should never be cheap with your precious memories.

One more thing! ~ In case you missed them, at the top of the blog you will find tabs for
Information on Weddings and Portrait Sessions.
There you will also find my Photo Gallery where you can view my Portfolio!

Alex Aleman
"capturing life perfectly"

Remember this when choosing a photographer: "Amazing photography lives forever on your wall;  mediocre photography lives forever in your kitchen drawer.  Which one do you want"?

Phone: 678-697-2049

PS. Please "Follow" and "Share" my blog for support. You can also leave a comment. I love hearing from those who read my blog.

Thank you and God bless.

*All Photos Copyright by Alex Aleman*



  1. Great and awesome sharing of your. Thanks a lot for sharing. Like and love this kind of sharing.

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  4. I appreciate the transparency about your pricing changes.


Thank you so much for your comment. God bless you and have a great day.
Alex Aleman